
COVID-19: Meet Your New Friend, Unemployment Benefits

COVID-19: Meet Your New Friend, Unemployment Benefits

Unemployment insurance is our backstop for when people lose their jobs through no fault of their own. As the Covid-19 crisis has shown us, you don’t have to be a bad employee or not show up to work to no longer have a job, many of our friends and family members have been affected by workplace closures before, but none of us have ever seen anything like the number of industries that have been immediately affected this month.

COVID-19: This is Just the Beginning. Do You Have a Plan?

COVID-19: This is Just the Beginning. Do You Have a Plan?

Most of the posts we try to put out are to present information like it would be in a classroom setting or as part of a college course. But continuing to talk about buying a car or marginal tax rates hasn’t felt right over the past couple weeks, so we took a break to try and absorb what is happening in our world. This is truly an unprecedented time in our lives. We, nor our parents, have ever seen anything like this before.