After completing the prior podcast and discussing with the community, it became very apparent that not all parents can afford to help their children through college. Many parents struggle to pay rent and keep food on the table and often times families can lose housing benefits when a child turns 18, so for many families providing room and board for the student isn’t possible, even though I’ve yet to meet a parent that doesn’t want to help.
A Letter to the Editor of the Wall Street Journal
This week’s news from the WSJ tells us that students at historically black colleges (see The Student-Debt Crisis Hits Hardest at Historically Black Colleges) are graduating with disproportionately more debt than other students, who are also graduating with record levels of debt.
Parents, Be the Adult in the Room
The Real Cost of Convenience Is Worse Than You Think
How to Make Compound Interest Work For, Not Against, You
Money Terms You Should Know
A Brief History of Money
Throughout the history of humankind, bartering, or trading goods and services, has existed. As early as 9000 BC there is evidence that the ancient Egyptians engaged in bartering, often with livestock or crops. Bartering was an effective system for exchanging things deemed of equal value, even though those values were negotiable.