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Student Loan Series #10: College Without Family Financial Support

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How do you get through college without debt if you have no financial support from your family? In this episode we talk about options for students facing this challenge.

In this episode:

  • What if your parents don’t financially support you through college? [1:30]

  • Sometimes you have to sleep on the floor to pursue a dream. [2:30]

  • Is the amount of additional debt worth the name of going to a first tier university? [6:00]

  • The first two years are absolutely worth going to a community college [8:30]

  • A great secret hack for getting school paid for [9:00]

  • Armed forces are a great option if you don’t know what you want to do but want to leave home and get tuition paid [10:30]

  • You need to become an expert at applying for scholarships. [13:30]

  • Tax hacks for saving more money [16:30]

  • Universities are selling you. Remember this [19:00]

  • Why you don’t want to go to the “best” school you can get into unless you’re very smart [20:00]

  • Consider location with job opportunities that have tuition reimbursement. [24:00]

  • Colorado state schools examples of other options - second tier where tuition is much less. [25:30]

  • Where tuition is higher, cost of living is likely higher as well. [27:30]

  • Sample college budget based on UPS model, or whomever with tuition reimbursement - worst case scenario [29:00]

  • How adding a roommate incrementally decreases rent and adds up over time [38:00]

  • How to save money with your car [40:30]

  • How to eat on the cheap [42:30]

  • You might have to sacrifice some trips home [44:30]

  • Remember, it’s a choice to take out debt. [47:00]


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