home buying

How to Buy A Home - Part 1

How to Buy A Home - Part 1

Assuming you are following along with this series, you’ve read or listened through the buy or rent discussion and leverage and you’ve decided buying a home is a good decision for your financial future. Now what? Start looking for a home! Not quite yet, but I’m guessing that you’ve already done that and you might even have a few places in mind already…

Is It Better to Buy or Rent Your Home?

Is It Better to Buy or Rent Your Home?

Honey!! The toilet is running again.  The sink also leaks, and the fence needs to be re-stained before winter.  Sometimes the Honey-DO list seems infinite and exhausting when you own a home, especially when vermin are in the walls or appliances are breaking.  When you rent, you may have some of these issues in your life, but when something goes wrong…