You've Been Programmed


In this episode of Keep Yours, we'll discuss ways you've been programmed to be a consumer. The Keep Yours podcast is a survival guide to capitalism.

In this episode of Keep Yours, we discuss ways you've been programmed to be a consumer .

In this episode:

  • Exercise illustrating how we are programmed [1:15]

  • How banks make money [5:30]

  • When to switch banks [8:30]

  • What a “run” on a bank means and your power as a consumer [12:00]

  • Other psychological financial games [14:00]

  • Importance of personal responsibility in order to thrive [17:00]

  • Wealth is a relative concept [19:00]

  • How this culture values wealth [21:00]

  • Companies buy and sell your information to target marketing to you [24:00]

  • Examples of targeted propaganda [30:00]

  • Cost of convenience [33:00]

  • Don’t buy what you don’t need [35:00]

  • You’re not alone in not understanding capitalism [38:00]

  • The system is set up against you [45:00]

  • Why this is important [49:00]

  • Statistics on consumer debt in the U.S. [52:00]

  • Everyone is in line to take your money [57:00]


Wall Street Journal article “U.S. Economy Fuels Boom in Consumer Debt”