digital dollar

69 - 2020 Year in Review

69 - 2020 Year in Review

We are hovering on the brink of economic disaster. The unemployment numbers are skewed, and the likelihood of a quick economic recovery is slim given our dwindling labor participation rates. 10,000 people a week are turning 65 and pensions are getting squeezed. The promises to the Baby Boomers are going to be unmet due to a shrinking labor force. Tune in for a cold, hard look at the state of things and how we have diverged so far from what our founding fathers intended for this capitalist system we live under.

64 - The End of Cash? The Digital Dollar is Coming

64 - The End of Cash? The Digital Dollar is Coming

In a frightening extension of government power, the IMF 's intends to do away with cash and replace it with the digital dollar is coming. It is a grand plan by the IMF and central bank planners to take total and complete control of America’s pocketbook. What we can look forward to is negative interest, inflation, and stealing from the American public. Does that sound scary and “un-American”? It is.