Is it possible to get a college degree without going into debt if you don't have any scholarships? In this episode we talk about four possible student scenarios and one where you can actually graduate from university without taking out student loans but instead leave with money in your pocket.
Student Loan Series #5: Should You go to College?
Continuing our student loan series, we invite you to ask yourself if college is the right choice for you, especially if you're not sure of what you want to study. We also look at different types of intelligences, fields that don't require a degree, and the importance of finding a mentor in your field of interest.
Student Loan Series #4: The Real Math - Calculating True Costs of College
Student Loan Series #3: Why Parents Shouldn't Co-Sign on Student Loans
Student Loan Series #2: The Shocking Truth About Out-of-State College Tuition
Student Loan Series #1: Understanding How the Student Loan System is Set Up Against You
In this first episode of our student loan series, we dive into how this system is set up against you. We examine some common myths about the value of a college education, how the student loan system works under a skewed version of true capitalism, and how universities are incentivized to sell students a dream.
Budgeting, Taxes, and the Cost of Convenience
Money Terms You Should Know
A Brief History of Money
Capitalism and Other Options
You've Been Programmed
Introducing the Keep Yours Podcast
What we recognize as true right now is this: If you aren’t paying attention, capitalism will eat you alive. For your entire life, people and companies will be trying to sell you anything and everything. They will try to get you locked into a cycle of consumerism where your money comes in, and just as quickly goes out, keeping you trapped on the hamster wheel.