Keep Yours

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69 - 2020 Year in Review

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We are hovering on the brink of economic disaster. The unemployment numbers are skewed, and the likelihood of a quick economic recovery is slim given our dwindling labor participation rates. 10,000 people a week are turning 65 and pensions are getting squeezed. The promises to the Baby Boomers are going to be unmet due to a shrinking labor force. Tune in for a cold, hard look at the state of things and how we have diverged so far from what our founding fathers intended for this capitalist system we live under.

In this episode:

  • What’s been happening in my world, a look ahead [:30]

  • We’re not getting the facts on unemployment data [3:00]

  • Examining real unemployment numbers and the actual labor force participation rate [7:30]

  • Real unemployment rate is double the reported rate [13:00]

  • Why things won’t recover with a low labor participation rate [15:00]

  • The Fourth Turning [21:00]

  • Social security was originally meant for a small amount of people and has not been adjusted for our current life expectancy [22:00]

  • UK pensions are going to get lower rates [23:30]

  • How inflation impacts us when governments overspend [27:00]

  • What the forefathers didn’t anticipate [34:00]

  • A rant on corruption [38:00]

  • A note on Modern Monetary Theory [43:00]

  • The road to totalitarianism [48:00]

If you’d like to watch on YouTube, check out our video here: