70 - Sunday Sessions - Is There Hope for the Economy or are Dark Days Ahead?

This first episode of “Sunday Sessions” includes thoughts on the insurrection, term limits, and how pandemic unemployment benefits have incentivized people to not work. Should we be giving people more money NOT to work than to work? Suicide rates are up because of depression from loss of livelihood and isolation, and the virus is still spreading, showing lockdowns aren’t working. What can we do? And is there hope in sight?

In this episode:

  • Is Biden too old? [1:00]

  • Insurrection at the capital? [2:00]

  • Incentivizing people to not work [9:30]

  • Today versus tomorrow [13:00]

  • Suicide rates are up [14:00]

  • Social media companies cancel the president? [16:00]

  • Frenzies in the market [20:00]

  • Political contributions are pausing contributions to Republican super pacs [22:00]

  • Where do we go from here as a divided country? [27:00]

  • What is the job of government? [28:00]

  • We must acknowledge our government’s crimes and genocide [35:00]

If you’d like to watch on YouTube, check out our video here: