
76 - Sunday Sessions - Liberty is Losing

76 - Sunday Sessions - Liberty is Losing

Over the past year we’ve seen lockdowns and loss of business usher in era of big government spending that may ultimately result in hyperinflation and economic collapse. With the money supply growing and companies being overvalued, we haven’t seen inflation yet, but the data show we’re due for a massive correction. Our freedom currently hangs in the balance as our nation toys with the idea of vaccine passports, while big Pharma rakes in the cash. As usual, we offer up no answers but invite you to ask yourself important questions as an independent thinker.

70 - Sunday Sessions - Is There Hope for the Economy or are Dark Days Ahead?

70 - Sunday Sessions - Is There Hope for the Economy or are Dark Days Ahead?

This first episode of “Sunday Sessions” includes thoughts on the insurrection, term limits, and how pandemic unemployment benefits have incentivized people to not work. Should we be giving people more money NOT to work than to work? Suicide rates are up because of depression from loss of livelihood and isolation, and the virus is still spreading, showing lockdowns aren’t working. What can we do? And is there hope in sight?