
76 - Sunday Sessions - Liberty is Losing

76 - Sunday Sessions - Liberty is Losing

Over the past year we’ve seen lockdowns and loss of business usher in era of big government spending that may ultimately result in hyperinflation and economic collapse. With the money supply growing and companies being overvalued, we haven’t seen inflation yet, but the data show we’re due for a massive correction. Our freedom currently hangs in the balance as our nation toys with the idea of vaccine passports, while big Pharma rakes in the cash. As usual, we offer up no answers but invite you to ask yourself important questions as an independent thinker.

61 - Understanding Inflation and How to Protect Yourself

61 - Understanding Inflation and How to Protect Yourself

Warren Buffet says only 1 in a million understands the complexities of inflation. Do you think you're that special one? Inflation is about to be a very real part of life, with the Feds printing money left and right to get themselves and much of the U.S. population out of a looming financial crisis.

60 - Prepare Yourself: The 2020 Depression Begins

60 - Prepare Yourself: The 2020 Depression Begins

The stock market is not reflecting the economic reality of what is happening today. Unemployment claims are over 10 million, the government can’t agree on a plan, and meanwhile pandemic benefits have run out, leaving millions of people in real financial danger. Real estate is booming because people are leaving cities, but what will happen to the businesses that remain if no one lives there?

59 - COVID-19: What Happens When Pandemic Assistance Ends?

59 - COVID-19: What Happens When Pandemic Assistance Ends?

The feds are printing money in hopes of keeping the economy running smoothly, but history shows this doesn't usually go as hoped and instead results in massive inflation. It's still early days and we haven't seen the full fallout yet because people are still receiving their extra pandemic assistance. What happens when these run out? In this episode we share our own forecast for what kind of financial reckoning will be coming once the federal support ends and give you some ideas on how to protect yourself and your assets during these uncertain times.

58 - Racism, Class, and Capitalism

58 - Racism, Class, and Capitalism

Campaigns that are “tough on crime” only make sense if we can all agree on what crimes should constitute punishment, and with our prisons full of young black men largely due to the legislation of morality, that’s clearly not the case. In this episode we talk about the how the racist drug war and corrupt criminal justice system work to keep people of color poor and imprisoned, and we offer up some steps we can all take to begin to change this.

57 - COVID-19: Understanding the PPP Part 2 - Guideline Clarifications

57 - COVID-19: Understanding the PPP Part 2 - Guideline Clarifications

The CARES Act Paycheck Protection Program has a lot of potentially confusing language. In this video we help you interpret the language, as well as the new guidelines put out by the Treasury. We also outline four different strategies depending on your business for how you can best utilize the loan forgiveness the government is offering.

56 - COVID-19: The Financial Reckoning That's Coming

56 - COVID-19: The Financial Reckoning That's Coming

What happens when the Feds stop handing out free money? The unemployment numbers are at 35+ million and counting, and yet the stock market is still going strong. What happens when all the unemployment benefits end and rent is due? There is going to be a massive financial reckoning for all of this money printing, society is going to change, and you need a strategy to deal with the fallout.

50 - COVID-19: CARES Act - Which Relief Plan is Best For You?

50 - COVID-19: CARES Act - Which Relief Plan is Best For You?

The CARES Act offers some much needed financial relief in light of the hardships COVID-19 has brought about for many. But which option is best?

The Economic Income Disaster Relief Loan (EIDL) or Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)? Where does unemployment fit into all of this? When and how can you combine these options? We help you do some of this math and figure out which relief program might be best for you.

49 - COVID-19: How to Understand the CARES Act

49 - COVID-19: How to Understand the CARES Act

The new CARES Act the government released has lots of options for small businesses and the newly unemployed. Should you get an EIDL loan? Or should you get a PPE loan as an employer instead of laying off your employees? If you’re self-employed or in the gig economy, do you apply for unemployment, or an EIDL loan? In this first, crash course episode on the CARES Act we explain your options and what might be best for you.

47 - COVID-19: This is Just the Beginning. Do You Have a Plan?

47 - COVID-19: This is Just the Beginning. Do You Have a Plan?

Don't be fooled. Unfortunately, all signs point to this as just the beginning of not just a global pandemic, but a lengthy recession as well. What's your plan? Over the next few weeks (months?!) we will be addressing ways to mitigate the negative consequences of this, and navigate you and your family to financial safety.