55 - COVID-19: Paradigm Shift - How Society Will Change Long-Term


Nobody knows how this is all going to play out but we are just starting to see the layers of the onion of the fallout begin to unravel in society.  So many questions remain: how do you social distance on an airplane? Is going into an office going to be outdated?

Nobody knows how this is all going to play out but we are just starting to see the layers of the onion of the fallout begin to unravel in society.  

So many questions remain: how do you social distance on an airplane? Is going into an office going to be outdated? What is the fate of college? How is this going to affect the housing market? What happens when pandemic unemployment benefits end? We have no answers but raise a lot of questions to consider if you think any of this is going to go back to normal anytime soon.

In this episode:

  • Good news - PPP has more funding and other banks are on board. [:30]

  • If your bank didn’t help you get pandemic benefits, switch banks [5:00]

  • More good news - unemployment benefits are coming through - also why stock market is holding steady. [5:30]

  • Unemployment benefits are only temporary and unemployment is the largest its been at and yet the stock market keeps rising [6:30]

  • Update on the housing market [8:00]

  • Other indicators we are in for a massive economic fallout [9:00]

  • This is still just the beginning judging from what the experts are saying [11:30]

  • It’s time to save what cash you have [13:30]

  • Prices are going to continue to drop in certain markets [15:00]

  • State and local governments are seeing a huge drop in tax revenue [17:00]

  • Why is the stock market continuing to going up? [18:30]

  • Airbnb rentals are now destined for a big hit [20:00]

  • Working in an office might become outdated [23:00]

  • What about daycare and schools so parents can work? Or college? [25:00]

  • What happens when forbearance ends? [28:00]

  • Where we’ll see this first start to fall out [30:00]

  • When recovery will begin [33:00]

  • Advice for hard times [33:30]

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