59 - COVID-19: What Happens When Pandemic Assistance Ends?

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The feds are printing money in hopes of keeping the economy running smoothly, but history shows this doesn't usually go as hoped and instead results in massive inflation. It's still early days and we haven't seen the full fallout yet because people are still receiving their extra pandemic assistance.

The feds are printing money in hopes of keeping the economy running smoothly, but history shows this doesn't usually go as hoped and instead results in massive inflation. It's still early days and we haven't seen the full fallout yet because people are still receiving their extra pandemic assistance. What happens when these run out?  In this episode we share our own forecast for what kind of financial reckoning will be coming once the federal support ends and give you some ideas on how to protect yourself and your assets during these uncertain times.

In this episode:

  • Good news and bad news about the PPP [1:30]

  • PPP rule changes [5:30]

  • Financial reckoning is coming in July [13:00]

  • Deferment for now [14:00]

  • America’s missing loan payments [20:00]

  • Fraud uptick [27:00]

  • Long term recession or depression imminent [28:00]

  • We still have no plan [29:30]

  • Modern monetary theory - free money [37:00]

  • Modern monetary theory basics [41:30]

  • Why haven’t we seen inflation yet? [53:00]

  • What happens when inflation comes? [59:00]

  • What you can do to protect yourself and assets [1:03:30]

If you’d like to watch on YouTube, check out our video here:


Justin Lahart, The Stimulus Gets Spent ,The Wall Street Journal

AnnaMaria Andriotis, Americans Skip Millions of Loan Payments as Coronavirus Takes Economic Toll, The Wall Street Journal

Liz Hoffman and Justin Scheck, Eddie the Repo Man Has Time on His Hands: What Happens When Your Debt Is Suspended, The Wall Street Journal

Stephanie Kelton, Learn To Love Trillion-Dollar Deficits, New York Times