You, Today and You, Tomorrow


The poor financial decisions you made in the past do not have to continue into the future, but if you keep telling yourself the same story, you'll get the same results. In this episode we talk about ways to powerfully reframe your language to enable your own financial growth moving forward.

The poor financial decisions you made in the past do not have to continue into the future, but if you keep telling yourself the same story, you'll get the same results. In this episode we talk about ways to powerfully reframe your language to enable your own financial growth moving forward.

In this episode:

  • Why understanding your own personality type is important [1:00]

  • How personal wealth is a relative index [4:00]

  • The value of getting to zero debt [6:00]

  • Many ways to rationalize getting into debt [7:00]

  • Why you should never tell yourself “I’m not good with finance” [11:00]

  • How other’s people’s opinions can become fuel for you to improve [12:30]

  • The power of language we use with ourselves [17:30]

  • Key points to keep in mind when evaluating yourself [19:30]

  • With financial education sorely missing, how can you be expected to make good decisions? [24:30]

  • Why it’s important to have compassion for yourself [28:00]

  • Examples of language that create space for growth and takes your power back [31:30]

  • Getting rid of old stories that keep you trapped in the past of poor financial decisions [34:00]

  • The formula for retraining yourself into a new you instead of condemning your future [36:00]

  • The importance of acknowledging the limits of willpower [40:30]

  • The power of aiming small [42:00]

  • Why we want people to hold us accountable [45:30]

  • If we don’t create the space for growth, then how can we grow? [48:30]

  • Only you know the real “work” that you need to do [50:00]

  • If you don’t change the story, you’re not going to change the behavior [54:00]

  • The plan moving forward: figure out what brings you joy and budget for that [56:30]