37 - Bottom Line - What Financial Future Do You Want to Create?


You can't change the past (and that past may have debt and poor decisions attached to it), but you can decide who you want to be in this moment and moving forward.

You can’t change the past (and the debt and poor decisions attached to it), but you can decide who you want to be in this moment and moving forward. Here we talk about why it’s so important to remember that you have the power to create a prosperous financial future, but you have to choose it, and recognize every journey begins with the first step.

In this episode:

  • You can’t change the past [1:00]

  • What is actually required of you in the present [4:00]

  • Why it’s important to have context for what you learn [6:00]

  • Your identity is not written in stone [8:30]

  • Why it’s important to look honestly at yourself [11:00]

  • How language shapes our reality and why you should shift yours [13:30]

  • You are the master of your reality [16:30]

  • The importance of aiming small [17:30]

If you want to watch this instead of listen, go here to watch on YouTube.