50 - COVID-19: CARES Act - Which Relief Plan is Best For You?

50 - COVID-19: CARES Act - Which Relief Plan is Best For You?

The CARES Act offers some much needed financial relief in light of the hardships COVID-19 has brought about for many. But which option is best?

The Economic Income Disaster Relief Loan (EIDL) or Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)? Where does unemployment fit into all of this? When and how can you combine these options? We help you do some of this math and figure out which relief program might be best for you.

49 - COVID-19: How to Understand the CARES Act

49 - COVID-19: How to Understand the CARES Act

The new CARES Act the government released has lots of options for small businesses and the newly unemployed. Should you get an EIDL loan? Or should you get a PPE loan as an employer instead of laying off your employees? If you’re self-employed or in the gig economy, do you apply for unemployment, or an EIDL loan? In this first, crash course episode on the CARES Act we explain your options and what might be best for you.

47 - COVID-19: This is Just the Beginning. Do You Have a Plan?

47 - COVID-19: This is Just the Beginning. Do You Have a Plan?

Don't be fooled. Unfortunately, all signs point to this as just the beginning of not just a global pandemic, but a lengthy recession as well. What's your plan? Over the next few weeks (months?!) we will be addressing ways to mitigate the negative consequences of this, and navigate you and your family to financial safety.

43 - Are You Giving Your Money Away? How to Choose Between a Roth and a Traditional IRA

43 - Are You Giving Your Money Away? How to Choose Between a Roth and a Traditional IRA

Don’t give the government any more money than you have to! We know that choosing between a traditional or a Roth IRA can be confusing, with a number of variables. Here we talk you through it and show you how to calculate your tax rates so you can make the right decision for yourself.

42 - The Problem WIth Student Loan Forgiveness

42 - The Problem WIth Student Loan Forgiveness

In this short podcast we highlight a few of the major problems we see with the idea of student loan forgiveness, such as fairness, how we pay for it, and the fact that student loan forgiveness does not address the larger problem of an overall broken system. Instead of, we discuss the possibility of an alternative solution (hint: in our solution, big banks will stop benefitting from student loans). Listen for more!

41 - Bottom Line - How to Budget and Save Money

41 - Bottom Line - How to Budget and Save Money

Being in debt simply means that you are not working for yourself, and that a good portion of your hard earned money is going to someone else. In this podcast, we help you understand the first steps in finding financial freedom, which means learning to budget and track spending. We beg the question, how much are you willing to work so you can buy more stuff?

38 - Is It Better to Buy Or Rent Your Home?

38 - Is It Better to Buy Or Rent Your Home?

People commonly think real estate is a great investment because property doesn’t depreciate, but this isn’t necessarily the case anymore. What if you invested your down payment into long term index funds? Is it a better long term investment to do that or rent? Here we invite you to take a hard look at all of the factors that go into your financial readiness of buying a house, and offer some other, unconventional options as well.

37 - Bottom Line - What Financial Future Do You Want to Create?

37 - Bottom Line - What Financial Future Do You Want to Create?

You can’t change the past (and the debt and poor decisions attached to it), but you can decide who you want to be in this moment and moving forward. Here we talk about why it’s so important to remember that you have the power to create a prosperous financial future, but you have to choose it, and recognize every journey begins with the first step.